Tuesday, November 13, 2007

prosopagnosia III

I used to have a line I used whenever I committed an especially gaffish gaffe, like when I introduced myself to a big-boss-guy I'd actually known for years, or when I treated a friend like a stranger. I'd apologize for my mistake, then explain that I'd had an head injury in medical school that had left me unable to recognize faces. I came up with this line because I really did suffer a head injury in med school, and it's a really good story, too: it starts out with me on my way to a baby shower, and ends with me getting whacked over the head and going under in a freezing river. So I was happy to have a reason to bring it up a lot.

But after a while I stopped using this line. I noticed people would look at me funny after I told them. I came to realize that brain damage is one of those things some people don't appreciate in a doctor.

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