Wednesday, November 21, 2007

sneeze if you're muslim 2

Me: Sarah, does your teacher explain why Muslims say "Alhamdulillah" when they sneeze?
S: shrugs
Me: Well. Here's the thing.
S (looking nervous as she recognizes her mother's Imminent Pontification face): What thing?
Me: "Alhamdulillah" means "thank God" or something. The thing is, if I were God, I'd want people to thank me when they meant it and not just because someone told them to.
S: Oh.
Me: Like, suppose someone says "A-choo! alhamdulillah," all in a rush, and you know they're not actually thinking, "Wow, God! Thank you for giving me that terrific sneeze!" They're just saying it as a habit.
S (brightening with recognition): You mean, like Baba!
Me: Shhh. Well, yes, smart girl. But don't tell your baba I said so.
S: Why not?
Me: Just don't.
S: Can I have a snack now?

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